My story
I am Pascal, and I am passionate about artistic photography of seashells.
Explore with me the fascinating world of seashells through my unique and creative lens.
Since prehistoric times, men have been searching for shells for their variety, beauty of shapes, and colors because they were essential as food, decorative objects, tools, or as currency for exchange. There are approximately 80,000 species, most of which live in the seven seas, lakes, and rivers.
Did you know that a 150 kg Giant Clam can live up to 200 years, while the Burgundy Snail can barely live up to 10 years? The Mussel, on the other hand, doesn't live too long since it quickly ends up on our plates.
My passion for shells dates back to my early years. It has obviously become a pretext to travel, meet locals, snorkel, and share beautiful human adventures. I have traveled the world from north to south, from latitude to longitude. I have become a Conchologist.
The adventure of ARTIMUS began a few years ago when I started exhibiting 3 canvas photos at home to decorate my interior. It was close friends who encouraged me to showcase my photographic work because they believed the result was very decorative. Some urged me to do exhibitions and here we are. Another friend borrowed the 3 photos to put them up for auction at Drouot, and they were sold. I had little faith, but that's how I gained recognition. My creative side took over, so I enjoyed staging these treasures of the sea, presenting them, and featuring them in graphic, original, unusual, and unique settings.
Now I find joy and enthusiasm in sharing my images on this e-commerce platform, which will allow you to discover the numerous photos I have taken during my travels.

Global Shell Exploration
Explore with me the fascinating world of shells through my unique lens and travels.